Pong rules! I remember playing this game in a particular arcade in the late 90's. I miss it, Pong is simple, great and very addicting to me. It's pretty much the first great mainstream game. My generation and the next probably won't care about the "old boring" games, but they're fantastic and NOT boring. I love 'em waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more than new games. Pong for life!!
Rating: 9.3/10
Pong is BaDong!


This game simply rules! It takes strategy, you can play it on different difficulties and it has inspired plenty of future Tetris themed games and ideas. Most of all it's freakin' addictive. That's the sign of a crazy good game, in which is worth your money. I miss the older games and I'm 19, so I wasn't even around in the 80's but I'm fortunate to have these older games due to killer parents. My generation needs to play this game to appreciate newer games(Which I detest for the most part).
Rating: 9.4/10
Rating: 9.4/10

Na NA Na Batman WAAA!

--Although not as brilliant as the newer The Dark Knight, it's still a spectacle to see. The film goes back to Bruce Wayne's training and more in depth with how he became Batman. It's not exact like the comics, but still a very great idea and it pans out quite well to me. Christian Bale with his funny batman grunts are still awesome and he plays a better batman than any other. Blows Clooney, whom was a HORRIBLE Batman, out of the water. Michael Caine as Alfred is awesome. I loved it! Morgan Freeman as part of Bruce Wayne's corporation, you could say, is his friend who hooks him up "Q" style and has funny moments. Oh..and Cillian Murphy is the bomb!
Dislikes: Katie Holmes as Bruce Wayne's love interest. A bad choice in my book, in the other films his love interests were much different. She lacked personality too. That's me tho.
Rating: 9.5/10

Dislikes: Katie Holmes as Bruce Wayne's love interest. A bad choice in my book, in the other films his love interests were much different. She lacked personality too. That's me tho.
Rating: 9.5/10

Timber Falls review

A decent film in general, but not great by any means for the 'horror' genre. I'd consider it a thriller more than horror. It's reminiscent to "Deliverance" in a way, while watching it. Beth Broderick does a great job as a creepy messed up, over-ally religious "crazy". It entertained me. Not too gory for..for those that don't enjoy it.
Rating: 6.2/10
Rating: 6.2/10

Bunnicula: A Rabbit-Tale of Mystery review

For a kids book, Bunnicula can be pretty intense haha. I enjoyed this during 5th? grade towards middle school years. It's an interesting tale, in the view point of the Monroe's family dog: Harold. Who tells about this crazed rabbit named "Bunnicula". It's enjoyable, fun and a great novel.
Dislikes: It's a kids' book so don't expect excellent writing, just enjoy it.
Rating: 8.5/10
Dislikes: It's a kids' book so don't expect excellent writing, just enjoy it.
Rating: 8.5/10


I'm not a big "slasher" fan, but these are some of the creepiest movies out there. I like the plot for 4 and 5 of Halloween. It's not what you would expect, at least I didn't. These film started or at least started the trend of the cliche "why the heck are you walking into that room by yourself!". I always scream that when watching these haha THEY HAVE IT COMING haha. Whenever Michael Myers sits up AHHHHHH freaks me out.
Dislikes: I find it dumb that he keeps returning but that's "the point" I guess, either way decent films.
Rating: 7.2/10
Dislikes: I find it dumb that he keeps returning but that's "the point" I guess, either way decent films.
Rating: 7.2/10

Saturday Movie Classic

Tremors is off the charts in awesome-kevin-bacon factor! The whole concept of the movie is spectacular and perfect to watch on a Saturday. The tremors', the way they are made are gross and cool..it's awesome. Overall the acting isn't Oscar worthy by any means, but that's not the point of the film. You're suppose to enjoy it and it succeeds gratefully. I need to own this movie haha.
Dislikes: Acting could be better but..who cares!
Rating: 8.6/10

Dislikes: Acting could be better but..who cares!
Rating: 8.6/10

Desert Slugs Strike Again

The first Tremors was intense, funny and excellent. I loved it. I cringed at the thought of a sequel but still decided to watch it. I was quite pleased with what they did with the film. The story was decent and the action and hilarity are still as awesome as the first film. Kevin Bacon just owns it, he's great. Some might hate these movies, I know they're cheesy but they're perfect for that saturday tv movie.
Dislikes: just the fact that it's a sequel haha.
Rating: 7.7/10
Dislikes: just the fact that it's a sequel haha.
Rating: 7.7/10

Psychotic Dog Alert

Cujo really is a classic. The camera angles and the acting by Dee Wallace and her son in the movie, forget his name, are very realistic it's really fantastic. You strive to root for them and worry for their lives. Cujo the dog scared the crap out of me when I first watched this, even the dog had spectacular acting/training hahaha. I recommended this for any "so called horror fan". I'm not a big horror fan, but I only like the older spectacular ones.
Dislikes: none that I can think of, maybe more crazy scenes.
Rating: 8.3/10
Dislikes: none that I can think of, maybe more crazy scenes.
Rating: 8.3/10

House on that Haunted Hill

I watched this last year, forgot about it and then watched it on AMC. I enjoy the movie, couple of twists, weird creepy scenes..can't go wrong there. I'm not a big horror/gore fan, so this was pretty good for me. Christ Katan cracks me up in just about everything and Geoffrey Rush is a great actor in general.
Dislikes: Famke was in it and some of the lines were just stupid.
Rating: 6.8/10
Dislikes: Famke was in it and some of the lines were just stupid.
Rating: 6.8/10